CDP over 30 years
in development

How does SROI work?

A SROI analysis is done according to a clear protocol, starting with a sharp formulation of the exact problem, solution and goals.

Subsequently, for every relevant stakeholder the contribution, output and (expected) impact is identified - and verified with the stakeholder!

Indicators are drawn up to make these impacts measurable. These indicators represent values (expressed in monetary terms) and will be determined - again - in close consultations with the stakeholders.

Verification and transparent documentation of the whole process are crucial and essential ingredients of the methodology.

Finally, a calculation is made of the relation between needed investments and benefits (created value).
Even though this rate provides interesting information, it is the process that is the key point of this methodology. The transparency and communication that it produces offers important learning opportunities for all parties and a sense of shared responsibility.

More information on the methodology can be found at