In June 2011 Dirk Bol wrote a paper about Africa: Africa's Take-Off, A Long and Winding Road. In this he brings together the latest economic research and data, showing not only that the economic growth record of the majority of African countries has now been good for more than a decade, but that poverty reduction has also exceeded expectations. Good economic management, high commodity prices and a lot of oil and minerals, are responsible for this take-off, and the remarkably widespread growth finally brings Africa in line with the rest of the world.

In 2008/2009 Dirk Bol published a book
Water and Wealth, a brief economic history of the Netherlands via CIDIN, Nijmegen University. Almost at the end of his career he finally wanted to know how our own country developed so spectacularly long time ago, especially before the Golden Age in the 17th century.  Prof. Semboja (REPOA, Tanzania) draws some lessons for Africa in the preface.

At the occasion of CDP’s 25th anniversary in 2007 Dirk Bol wrote an extensive analysis of the position of African farmers in a Globalizing World, called
Dwarf Meets Giant. This one was revised in 2008 and published in September. Even though many fundamentals in Africa keep on changing, this analysis is still felt to be useful background information for the interested reader.

CDP over 30 years
in development

The publications mentioned below can be downloaded in pdf-format by selecting the picture.

In March 2014 the book
Het Wonder van Afrika (the African Miracle) by our consultant Dirk Bol appeared. The book consists of three analytical chapters, about Africa's recent economic success (a 'miracle' to be), about foreign aid and about tourism. The economic success dominates the book, but also pays much attention to cultural issues, in an introductory chapter about 'the' African, and in cultural misunderstandings between Western aid workers and tourists with Africans. Five small stories about survival strategies of ordinary Africans complete the book. The book is published by Aspekt, ISBN 9789461534705.